Friday, February 10, 2017

The Culture of Hate

The Culture of Hate by Bill Wilson

Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren was told to sit down and shut up by the male-dominated Senate when she was reading a 1986 letter from Coretta Scott King opposing the nomination of Jeff Sessions for a federal judgeship. That's how the Democratic Party and the mainstream news media are propagandizing the late-night moment.

In reality, Warren, who is a known liar from her days falsely claiming she was part American Indian to get a job at Harvard, was railing against Sessions with personal attacks while reading the letter when the Senate voted to break her visceral filibuster, using Rule 19 that prohibits senators from impugning each other. Now you are seeing fake news at its best.
The communist/anarchist propaganda machine fueled by the Democrats and a willing media are crying foul. Warren's words play the female victim of bigotry and chauvinism card: "I literally can't be recognized on the floor of the Senate. I have become a nonperson during the discussion of Jeff Sessions...They can shut me up, but they can't change the truth"

Majority leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, explained, "She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted." And those are the sound bites that the fake news machine are using to say that because Warren is female and opposes Sessions, the GOP is discriminating against her for reading a letter that other senators also quoted from.

Truth is, the other senators were not personally impugning Sessions while reading the letter. Sessions was later approved by a 52-47 vote.
The incident prompted Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fl, to respond, "I want people to think about our politics here today in America. Because I don't know of a single nation in the history of the world that has been able to solve its problems when half the people in a country absolutely hate the other half of people in that country.

"Turn on the news and watch these parliaments around the world where people throw chairs at each other, and punches, and ask yourself, how does that make you feel about those countries? It doesn't give you a lot of confidence about those countries. Now I'm not arguing that we're anywhere near that, but we're flirting with it. We're flirting with it in Congress and we are flirting with it in this country.,,
"We have become a society incapable of having debates anymore. No one ever stops to say, 'I think you're wrong, I understand your point of view, I get it, you have some valid points, but let me tell you why I think my view is better.' I don't hear that anymore. We are reaching a point in this republic where we're not going to be able to solve the simplest of issues because everyone is putting themselves in a corner where everyone hates everybody."

Rubio said that if you disagree, you are immediately characterized as a bigot, racist, a homophobe.

Rubio is right.

We need to find a way to disagree without being disagreeable.

As Philippians 2:3 says, "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem the other better than themselves."

It is the missing link to civilized discourse.

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