Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Revive Our Nation

Revive Our Nation by Os Hillman

In 1974 Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission met and discovered God had spoken to them both that week about the need to influence seven (7) areas of culture that most impacted the culture.
These areas were:
education, family
arts and entertainment
One of them called them mind molders, the other called them spheres and later others called them mountains of culture. It doesn’t matter what you call them. The important thing is to recognize they influence our culture very significantly. We learned that it takes only 3-5% of leadership at the top of a cultural sphere to shift that sphere.
A strategy was employed to share Christ with those operating in these spheres. Unfortunately, we’ve not done a great job and we are seeing a culture that is eroding before our very eyes. Our moral and spiritual foundation is cracked and in need of much repair.
Teaching and training leaders in the seven spheres was begun in 2003. There were national and international conferences to share the concepts advanced through these programs.
Today, America is in crisis. We need revival to affect all seven of these areas. There is a fresh wind blowing right now to develop a more powerful strategy to affect these critical spheres. It’s called the Great Awakening Project.
We are endeavoring to raise up leaders to be part of revival in America. Please pray for the success of this program, for our nation will perish without godly intervention
Please join the army that wants to be the catalyst for revival in our nation by praying for the success of this program. It is crucial that intervention happen at this time -- waiting will almost certainly mean that we will be too late.

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