"The doors of hell are locked from the inside." C.S. Lewis
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Who's On First?
Feb 16, 2007 · Abbott and Costello perform the classic "Who's on first?" baseball sketch in their 1945 film "The Naughty Nineties" first performed as part of their stage act.
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The Only Way by Dr. D. James Kennedy
Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going. How can we know the way?” John 14:5
All pagan religions have a “way.” Whether it is the eightfold path of Buddha, the teachings of the Qur’an, the Analects of Confucius, or whatever it is, all pagan religions say, “Here is the way. Walk in that way, and you’ll make it to …” wherever it is you are supposed to make it to.
If you get to Nirvana or Paradise, and you get there by walking in that way, I have a question: Who got you there? I hope you know. You did. You followed the way. You walked in the path. You kept these teachings. You did it. You … You … YOU saved yourself. You are your savior, because, you see, pagan religions have no savior, except you.
But Jesus says, “I am the way.” It is not the teachings of Jesus, it is not the preaching of Jesus, it is not the example of Jesus, it is not the Sermon on the Mount, it is not the Beatitudes, or anything else that He taught or said that is the way. The way is Christ Himself, the divine second Person of the Trinity, the Creator of the galaxies that came into this world. He is the way, He is the Truth, and He is the Life. We have life only ultimately through Him.
Friday, April 29, 2022
I Corinthians 1:18
"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but to us who are saved, it is the power of GOD." I Corinthians 1:18

I Rejoice, You Rejoice by Dr. D. James Kennedy
Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi … Philippians 1:1
Rejoicing is the theme of Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. It could be summed up in four words: I rejoice; you rejoice. This theme of rejoicing is like an underground stream that bubbles its way along and then, ever and anon, it breaks forth into the sunshine, sparkling with joy. It is a continual, reiterated refrain in this harmony of joy that Paul gives to us.
It is in the Lord Jesus that we can rejoice. We rejoice in Him … in His goodness … in His grace … in His mercy … in His long-suffering … in His faithfulness. We rejoice in what He has done for us upon the Cross and through the empty tomb.
It is precious to the Lord if we can rejoice when we are going through hard times. If we rejoice only when all is well, that is not such a great accomplishment. We should make thanks and praise a part of our daily life.
Even now He is turning the bad things to our good. And He has promised that He will lead us forth to ultimate triumph and bring us forth into that gladsome city where tears shall be no more and singing shall be ever heard. Therefore we can rejoice in Christ Jesus!
BO Against Free Speech
BO Against Free Speech by Bill Wilson
The puppet master of the Democratic Party, Barack Obama, wasn’t satisfied with undermining human autonomy and personal privacy with socialist healthcare. He is now going after free speech, although he calls it “disinformation.” In his speech to Stanford University sponge-brains last Thursday titled “Disinformation is a Threat to Our Democracy,” Obama attacked the First Amendment, saying that wild conspiracy theories like claims that COVID vaccines and treatments were ineffective and that the 2020 election was fraught with voter integrity issues should be regulated. In all, Obama said that what amounted to dissent against the government and Democratic Party narratives threatens democracy.
His solution is very similar to how he fixed the healthcare system—set up a government regulatory entity that determines what is disinformation and misinformation and then censors it or regulates it.
Let’s remember how this worked in healthcare. The Centers for Disease Control controlled treatment protocols for COVID by paying hospitals bonuses (bounties) of about $100,000 per patient for CDC mandated treatments such as Remdesivir and ventilators. Virtually no other treatments were allowed despite multiple studies that indicated CDC treatments carried with them 50-80% mortality rates. CDC characterized legitimate scientific and experiential studies questioning CDC mandates as misinformation. Untold thousands died after these treatments, and the impact of vaccines not performing as indicated is mounting.
Dissent questioning the effectiveness of the vaccines and the mandated treatments was censored and people made decisions to take an experimental vaccine without full disclosure of its tremendously unhealthy side effects. Anyone attempting to blow the whistle on this was ostracized. Many lost their jobs, were threatened with losing their licenses to practice medicine. It is a system that betrays scientific autonomy.
Obama wants to set up a government regulating body made up of nonelected technology companies, advocacy groups and government officials to “regulate” speech. He considers this cross section as most qualified to determine what kind of speech to allow across social media platforms.
This commission would not be concerned with, as Obama puts it, absolute truth or fixed truth, but rather what is “more true.” And he proposes to regulate—translated censor–speech that attacks his brand of politics because nothing else is “more true.”
If the commission considers it “more true” that there was no voter integrity or security issues in an election, all opinions otherwise would be censored.
Ephesians 5:6 says, “Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.”
The ability to dissent comes from the guaranteed right of free speech. Taking away such right by deceitfully characterizing it as saving democracy by eradicating disinformation is a step toward tyranny.
Youngkin Attends March
Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin becomes first to attend state’s March for Life

RICHMOND, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) — Virginia’s governor took part in the state’s fourth March for Life yesterday, a historic first for state leadership across the country.
Though state governors have attended the annual March for Life in Washington, DC, Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) is the first to participate in an official pro-life march for a state
The second major pro-life event held at the capitol of Richmond in only two months, the Virginia March for Life included the participation of multiple pro-life officials and elected leaders. The March was organized to coincide with Virginia’s Veto Day, ensuring legislators from across the state would be on Capitol Hill. Approximately 500 people took part.
Speakers at the rally, situated at Richmond’s historic bell tower in the hour preceding the march, included Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears (R); Del. Nick Freitas (R-Culpepper); Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.; Jeanne Mancini, the president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund; and Olivia Gans Turner, the president of the Virginia Society for Human Life. Adoption advocates and women who regret their abortions shared testimony.
In her speech, Sears emphasized the message of life from conception until death found in sacred scripture and argued that each generation needs to be convinced of its responsibility to protect human life.
“We can’t be cowardly in what we’re doing because the other side is not cowardly, and we know we have right on our side,” Sears said.
“And so we will go, and we will stay on the battlefield, and we can’t ever leave because all it takes is one more vote… When we talk about life, we have to keep winning.”

Freitas, sponsor of House Bill 304, which is also called the Born Alive Act, described the ignorance shown by the abortion industry who fought his legislation to require basic medical care for infants who survive an abortion.
“When I carried the Born Alive Act and we were … presenting it before the Senate, we actually had a victim of a saline abortion, someone who had survived that, get up and provide her testimony,” he said.
“And, immediately following, a Planned Parenthood [representative] got up and said that my bill was a ‘solution in search of a problem.’”
Freitas added that his own mother had chosen life for him during a crisis pregnancy.
“The reason why all of us are here today is not just because we want to save that child. It’s because we want to save that child, we want to save that mother, we want to save that family,” he declared.
“When all of us understand that a core fundamental issue is that humanity is not a grant of government; it is a gift from God, and because of that there is no amount of bribery, there is no amount of temptation, there is no amount of intimidation, and there is no threat that will ever stop us from defending that innocent human life.”

Alveda King emphasized how crucial votes are in the upcoming elections as “our faith, our freedom, our families, our finances,[and] our health” hang in the balance.
“We are all united together joining with our leaders doing our part because we all have a part,” King said. “We’ve been on the long road home, and there’ve been many tears, but now we’re in occupation, and now we’re moving ahead.”

An outspoken pro-life advocate, Youngkin is the first governor in years to campaign for life in the Commonwealth. However, though several pro-life bills were introduced in the first legislative session of 2022, few reached his desk after being voted down in the state’s pro-abortion majority Senate.
A bill that would require basic care for an infant who survived an abortion was initially pocketed by Senate leadership to avoid a vote and potential passage.
As states look to the Supreme Court for a final ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, legislators are increasingly focused on determining the availability and legality of abortion in their own states. A growing number of states have responded to the case by organizing and increasing local pro-life rallies and marches.