March 23
Not many of us evidence much restraint when we’re cheering for our favorite team at a sports event. Even those of us who are noted for our prim demeanor have been noted to exhibit exuberance when our home team is competing for a championship—or even just another score. Sometimes the same immersion, the same passion is lacking when we are praising God.
That’s not the way HE wants us to approach Him, however. He doesn’t want us to hold back. He wants us to come confidently before Him, assured that He hears our heart and fully intends to meet our deepest longing. More than that, He wants us to enter His presence with praise for Him. Not because He’s vain and He needs to hear it, but because He’s worthy and we need to recognize it.
Psalm 40:9 states it this way, “I proclaim the glad tidings of Your righteousness in the great assembly. Behold, I have not restrained my lips, as You know, O Lord.” The psalmist has not gone to the service preoccupied with the cares of life. The poet of the Lord has not entered the Temple with his own agenda! He has entered the Lord’s courts with praise on His lips!
He doesn’t merely bow his head and solemnly thank the God of the entire universe for His awesome majesty and His unfailing care! No, the psalmist proclaims the righteousness of God openly before the whole assembly with unrestrained lips! In fact, he is so exuberant that we might get the mistaken notion that he were at a championship sports event! May we emulate him in our praise!
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