July 10
One of the most unrealistic aspects of Biblical faith from a natural mind’s perspective is the assertion that we are to maintain it regardless of our circumstances. Faith, like peace, is a difficult commodity to stir up within ourselves when the circumstances confronting us are challenging to our very existence as we desire it to be.
There are times in our lives when we feel so anxious that, if the option were open to us, we would simply hide in our room, pull the covers over our head, and never leave our bed! These are the times when we don’t want to face people; we don’t want to deal with our circumstances; we avoid even thinking about our problems!
Yet even at these times, the Lord has a word of hope for us from His immutable Word of Truth! In Isaiah 55:12 He assures, “You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace. The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you with singing and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” This is an amazing promise.
Here, God is Himself promising to bring you out! He doesn’t simply state that He will bring you forth into victory—NO! He paints a beautiful word picture of how triumphantly He will call you forth! Not only will you rejoice—all nature will rejoice in the victory march you will perform when your circumstances have been brought captive to the perfect will of God for your life!
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