October 7
Some choices are difficult. Which suit is more becoming? Which lipstick shade enhances the complexion? We tend to ponder overmuch—even when it comes to simple choices. But there are some decisions that should require no hesitation.
In Deuteronomy 30:15 we are told that God posed a choice to the Israelites. He said, “I set before you this day life and good or death and evil…” He has set the same choice before us but our choice doesn’t always appear as clear as He intends it to be. Perhaps that is why we drag our feet.
In I Corinthians 6:11, the Word states clearly that, “You were washed clean of all your sin and you were justified, declared righteous by our Holy God in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of His Holy Spirit.” We all needed cleansing and Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself is sufficient for all of us. But we have that pesky choice to make.
Will we select life and good or will we wallow a while longer in the death and evil of the sin we find so alluring? We know we want the promise of Heaven for eternity, but are we willing to relinquish the pleasures of sin immediately? We will when we recognize that we have all to gain or lose—and we haven’t the guarantee of one more day to decide.
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