October 3
Jesus has bathed us in His blood and washed us clean of every sin that we have ever done, ever thought of doing or will ever do. We stand righteous before our Holy God because Jesus our Savior has imparted His righteousness to us. We placed our lives at His feet, and He robed us in His glorious righteousness.
Yet, as the Bible tells us, there is an on-going cleansing for which we are responsible (John 13:5-10). Jesus indicates to Peter in this passage that our traversing through the sin and stain of the world is like walking along a dusty road—the soil of it gets upon us.
Even though we’re washed of sin, cleansed of it forever by Jesus’ blood, we must regularly assess ourselves—our words, our deeds, our thoughts—and repent of those small and large things that are contrary to the will and purposes of our Savior and God.
As Paul says in II Corinthians 7:1, “We should wash ourselves clean from every impurity of the flesh and spirit, making our sanctification complete in the fear of God.” We should not presume upon the perfect work of Jesus but show our high regard for it by not allowing the stain of our foibles to mar His image in us.
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