April 2
If we are searching for blessed assurance of our eternal security, we need look no further than the cross. When we contemplate the virtually incomprehensible plan of salvation which brought the Creator of the universe to earth as a man who suffered and died for our sins, we can scarcely drink in the wonder of such love and sacrifice.
The scarlet thread of Christ’s shed blood which covers our sin and cleanses us from it is woven throughout both the Old and New Testaments. In the Old testament, it is presented as types and shadows of the coming King who will lay aside His glory, His deity, in order to rescue fallen mankind from sin.
In the New Testament, it becomes the greatest story ever told of love that pays the ultimate price for the lost treasure (man) that is esteemed to be of more value than life itself. Because Jesus came to redeem us from ourselves, we can find comfort in our time of need and at the hour of our death. There is no juncture of our lives at which we cannot find Him, holding out His hand to lead us along the path to safety.
And among the most comforting of scriptures is that found in Psalm 23:4 which says, “Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for YOU are with me; Your rod and staff comfort me.” David goes on to say that the peace the Lord provides is so complete that a man may dine in the presence of his enemies. To enjoy a leisurely meal when surrounded by foes is indeed the epitome of security!
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