May 29
Most people who have lived to a ‘ripe old age’ would opt for youth if the choice were given to them. Few things about aging are among the things that would be considered ‘optimum.’ In fact, some of them are downright unpleasant.
Yes, there is the financial security that comes with having lived a normal work life. It is nice to receive retirement monies in the mail rather than having to go to work every day to earn a living; and it’s nice to be among those who have invested wisely and can take pleasant vacations when desired. But that’s pretty much ‘it’ on the plus side.
Older folks reflect upon their working years with regret that they no longer possess the vigor of youth and the hope of wonderful things to come. They know that what they enjoy today is probably the best it’s going to be. But there is one area of anticipation that believers have to look forward to in spite of what the aging process may do to them.
Romans 6:23 says, “The wage of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Though our lives may deserve sin’s wage (and the Word tells us, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23) we anticipate with joy that precious gift for which Jesus paid so high a price to obtain for us.
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