July 2
How does a parent gage the amount of responsibility a child is entrusted to have? A responsible parent, who expects mature behavior that is appropriate to the child’s age, from his offspring, will mete out more and more opportunities for his sons and daughters to weigh in on decisions that affect them as the youngsters evidence the ability to handle them.
Our Heavenly Father has established this pattern in His Word and wise earthly parents follow it as they rear their children. In Luke 16:10, Jesus said, “Whosoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much; and whosoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”
If a believer shows himself to be faithful to God’s word and if he is obedient to follow Jesus Christ with a sincere heart, he will find the Lord opening opportunities of service to him, much as a parent turns over more and more responsibility to a child who demonstrates a heart of obedience and maturity. He will be greatly blessed as he serves the Lord in the beauty of holiness (I Chronicles 16: 8-29).
One must conclude that the same pattern holds true with nations. The nation that subscribes to the law of the Most High will be honored as the Word says in II Samuel 6:18 where, “David blessed the people in the name of the Lord of Hosts.” Godly leadership (as with America’s founding fathers) establishes the blessings the Holy One desires to bestow upon people who follow Him.
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