October 25
A missionary to a moslem country told the story of standing in one of two long lines at the post office one morning when the Holy Spirit spoke to him and told him to pray for the individual who would approach him. It didn’t appear that anyone had taken special note of him, but in his heart, he assented to the voice of the Lord.
At that time, a man turned to him and asked him if he knew about God. The missionary affirmed that he did, indeed, know God very well. Because of the constraints placed upon missionary activity in moslem lands, the missionary suggested that the man visit him in his home where they could have an open discussion.
When the visit occurred later in the day, the moslem man received Jesus as his Savior. Perhaps he had been informed that the individual at the post office was a missionary and made it a point to meet him, or maybe he simply acted upon an impulse, but in either case, “The Lord guides the humble…and teaches them His way,” Psalm 25:9.
Both the missionary and the searcher complied with the legal constraints against any religion but islam being practiced in public, yet both men acted boldly. Though they were, “…subject to rulers and authorities…(they were) ready to do what is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable…” (Titus 3:1,2) in the behalf of God’s immutable truth.
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