November 13
How does one go about placing the allurements of earth into their proper perspective? How does one negate the natural compulsion to achieve status, to acquire things, to influence circumstances? How does one suppress the natural inclination that stirs within him from the earliest age?
We have all seen the willful demands of an infant. He strives to have his way and will not be denied! We have seen the ‘pecking order’ on the playground where wills clash and lines of authority are established. These traits are certainly carried into adulthood where men clash over opinions and positions.
The only way to overcome the allure of worldly wealth and power and influence is to desire in its place eternal wealth and power and influence. When one turns his focus from the temporal to the heavenly, he realizes that what he really wants is to have power before God, power to further the Kingdom of Christ.
How does one set about achieving this transcendent, eternal force that compels men’s hearts toward the Lord’s Heavenly Realm of Glory? The first step toward the life that focuses on His will and His way is stated by Paul in Romans 6:11, “Count yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ.” The first step to real life is dying to self.
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