December 9
Most people recognize the value of having a battery of law within which the citizenry of a society must abide. To venture from the constraints of the law of the land is to invite anarchy. Of course, this is written from the vantage point of one who has been blessed to live in a land where the law is established on the law of the true and living God.
When the Constitution of the United States of America was written, the men who wrote it and the men who modified it and the men who approved it were greatly influenced by the Word of God. The Bible was their guide in formulating the laws by which the new nation would be governed. Many countries do not have such a foundation.
Where the ideas of man or the harsh impositions of an untrue ‘god’ are the basis of law, law becomes harsh, unreasonable, cruel. Where the governance of a people is based upon anything but the guidance that springs from the heart of God, there is inevitably an element of tyranny to one degree or another in the imposition of those laws.
When the law of God is the basis of the law of a nation, the people may say as did David in Psalm 119:97, “Oh, how I love Your law! I meditate on it all day long.” We who enjoy the freedom established upon the truth of our holy God must be ever-vigilant to guard it, for there are forces that seek nothing so much as they desire its destruction.
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