August 14
There are some people in high places who seem to be totally oblivious to what is going on around them. They are in a position to be aware of the foundation of grass roots movements as well as of the methods of pursuit of their goals that these activists pursue in their efforts to change things.
They know all there is to know about ‘Occupy Wall Street’ and ‘The Tea Party,’ but they utter pronouncements that cause them to appear totally lost and in the dark about what the participants in these movements believe and therefore, what motivates them. Even believers in Christ have come under scrutiny.
Some lawmakers believe that faith in Jesus goes hand in hand with subversion. Perhaps their misunderstanding is rooted in their lack of familiarity with the gospels and with the admonition of Paul to his young disciple, Timothy, “I exhort you to pray…for all men, especially for kings and those who are in authority over you, that we may live peaceful lives in all godliness…” I Timothy 2:1,2.
It is not the intention of the Holy One that believers in Christ should be among those who challenge the law or denigrate elected authorities; it is His plan that believers should pray for them. As the impetuous Apostle says in I Peter 2:15, “It is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.” When we are suspected of subversion, the goodness of Christ in us should silence all accusations.
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