February 2
There's a passage in the Bible--I Kings 19:11, 12 that says,"...the Lord passed by and a great, strong wind tore the mountain and broke the rocks in pieces; but the Lord was not in the wind, and the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake, there was a fire but the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire was a still, small voice."
Perhaps you won't want to hear it, but some of you are raging in an inner as well as in an external conflict right now that approximates the magnitude of a whirlwind force and earthquake proportions that exceed the Richter Scale. The fire of anger and frustration and despair burn within you...
You won't be able to hear the still, small voice of God in the cacophony of your own weeping and anger, even though He is speaking to you. It may not be the way you would prefer to hear Him, but He speaks to you every day in a still, small voice, that although it is not audible, it can comfort your spirit if you will allow it to do so.
One who is truly sensible and prudent will grant the Lord the latitude to speak through whatever or whomever He chooses. Jesus can be found throughout the Scripture for His perfect will is expounded there. He can be found in the writing of godly men of the past. He can sometimes be ascertained in the scribbling of well-intentioned bloggers.
But if you will quiet your spirit, you will certainly hear Him, for He loves you, He dwells within you, He is speaking words of power and truth and hope into you. Just listen...
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