Sunday, June 8, 2014

Important Points

June 8

In II CORINTHIANS 5:15 Paul says, “He died for all that they which live should not be henceforth alive unto themselves but unto Him which died for them and rose again.”

This verse makes several important points.

First, "…HE died for all…” In John 3:14-15 Jesus said, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

There is no numerical limit placed upon those who would be heirs to salvation. The only restriction is that which a man places upon himself. As Joshua stated so succinctly, “Choose you this day whom you will serve…As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,” Joshua 24:15.

The strong second point made here is that a father, by his instruction of his children in the truth that is eternal, is instrumental in his children’s salvation.

Third, "…that they which live...” This phrase refers only to those who have been born again because all unbelievers are still dead in their trespasses and sins. Paul expands upon this truth in Ephesians 2:1 which says, “You hath He quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.”

We were all dead in trespasses and sins. The mantle of this unfortunate assessment of our spiritual condition can be laid upon every man. David, the sweet psalmist says in Psalm 51:5 that we were conceived in sin. None of us can, of our own effort or our own volition dispel the cloud of death that hangs over us because of sin (see Ezekiel 18:20), but because Jesus laid down His life for our salvation, we can be free of the penalty of our sinfulness! (See John 8:36.)

But our having been set free brings us to the fourth point…

“…we should not henceforth live unto ourselves, but unto Him which died for us and rose again.” Christ died in our place and rose again. Because He is the “One who lives forevermore,” Revelation 1:18, we are to be living letters that all men may read that tell of His salvation and of His glory.

In II Corinthians 3:2,3, Paul says, “You are our epistle, written in our hearts, known and read of all men. Forasmuch as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God—not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart.”

May the story of Jesus’ love and salvation be clearly evidenced upon the tables of our hearts so that the living epistle of our lives may declare His glory to everyone who beholds His truth, His love, the joy of our salvation and His Holy Spirit in us.

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