The intensity of a trial can become more than a person can stand. The intensity of frustration because of the course his life is on can be overwhelming. There are times when a man simply cannot bear another moment of the burden that is casting him down.
The intensity of distress a patriot feels when he sees his nation unraveling from its heritage, from its faith, from its law can become more than a citizen can stand. True patriots anguish because of the course their nation is on. They see the tide that is sweeping away their freedom and simply cannot bear another moment of the burden that is destroying the greatest nation that has ever existed on earth.
To that man, weighted by the trial that is too heavy for him; to that
patriot, distraught by the course his nation is on, I say, "Take heart!
Take heart because you are not alone! Take heart because there is ONE
who bears your burden with you! Take heart because there is ONE who
walks by your side through the most intense flame of tribulation!
Call HIS name!
Say it--JESUS!
Call HIS name!
Say it--JESUS!

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