Sunday, September 10, 2017

Life's Storms

Life's storms are overwhelming.
Life's storms are life-threatening.
Life' s storms are devastating.

But life's storms are NOT victorious!

Because of JESUS, people of faith have the ultimate victory over every storm.

Whether it is the proverbial "tempest in a teapot" that sometimes churns the emotions or whether it is a powerful earthquake or a devastating weather event, it is under the blood of JESUS.

How can the person of faith make that claim when the evidence all around him declares failure, loss, brokenness, devastation?

Because the believer, "walks by faith not by sight."

Because the believer knows that whether the victory comes in the realm of time or in the realm of eternity, the victory will indeed come.

The believer knows that he is "more than a conqueror through CHRIST."

The devastation in Texas from Hurricane Harvey and the fear of the havoc Irma will cause in Florida is overwhelming. But hurricanes are not the only things that have the power to destroy lives. Are you in the midst of a storm? You can be an overcomer. Keep a balanced perspective. Do not allow yourself to be swallowed up by nurturing negative thinking patterns, but look for the positive.

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