Friday, September 15, 2017

Transformed Lives

Transformed Lives by Dr. D. James Kennedy

“He who was seated on the throne said, ‘Look! I am making all things new.’” Revelation 21:5

In the 19th century, in Britain, there was a skeptic who said to a converted drunkard, “Surely you don’t believe those Bible miracles, such as Christ turning water into wine.”

The ex-drunkard replied, “If you think that’s a miracle, come to my home and I’ll show you how Christ changed beer into carpets, chairs and even a piano.”

Christ had come to dwell in the heart of that converted drunkard and had transformed his inward life and his outward circumstances as well. From His time on earth to the present, Jesus Christ has been active in the supernatural work of transforming human hearts.

In the Gospels alone, we see a few examples of lives changed by Jesus:

Mary Magdalene, from whom Jesus had cast out seven demons (Luke 8:2), was privileged to be the first to see Jesus after He had been raised from the dead.

The greedy Zacchaeus, who gave away half of his income after meeting Jesus, had formerly been involved in a dubious but lucrative position, which he forsook for the sake of following Christ.

Simon Peter, an impulsive man who often acted before he thought—was changed into a powerful Christian leader and the Lord used him despite his impetuous nature.

Two brothers, John and James, known as “sons of thunder,” presumably because of their explosive tempers became loving disciples.

So too, we become new creatures in Christ, who makes all things new.

Lord, give me strength for today to live fully committed to You. Thank You for the change You have made in my life. Help me to give You all the praise and glory for making all things new, including me…


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