Friday, December 1, 2017

The Beginning of Advent

The Beginning of Advent by Dr. D. James Kennedy

“Listen, you will conceive in your womb and bear a Son and shall call His name JESUS.” Luke 1:31

The church calendar begins the first Sunday of December, which marks the beginning of the Advent season. Advent comes from Latin and simply means “coming.” Jesus came into the world the first time that first Christmas some 2000 years ago.

We remember that the entire Advent season climaxes on December 25, when the Western church (Protestant and Catholic) celebrate His birth.

The Eastern church (Orthodox, Coptic, etc.) celebrate His birth on January 6, along with the coming of the wise men.

A church council to reconcile these two dates came up with the notion of the 12 Days of Christmas. Regardless of the particular day celebrated, what counts is that we remember Christ’s coming into the world. In one sense, we could celebrate Christmas every day of the year because every day we should celebrate the salvation the Savior has brought to us.

Advent and the whole Christmas season is marked by light. Lots of lights. Why is that?

Because suddenly into the darkness of the world of woe there shone a great light, as the Son of God first manifested His light and His glory.


Jesus is the Light of the World, and wherever He has gone He has brought His light. He has enlightened the minds of countless millions of people. The Bible tells us that God is light, and Jesus is God the Son, so He brought that light of heaven with Him into this world.

Lord Jesus, Light of the World, shine in our darkness. Help us this Advent season to prepare properly for Your coming again. Renew our hearts with Your light and peace.


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