Whirling Winds of Prophecy by Bill Wilson
The prophets of the Bible speak of a day when the traditional enemies of Israel will come against the country "like a cloud to cover the land (Ezekiel 38:9, 16)" and God will rebuke the nations that rush against Israel "like a rolling thing before the whirlwind (Isaiah 17:13, 41:16)." Revelation 13:7 speaks of the beast, "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them." These are end time prophecies that indicate there will be nations led by the beast (Gog, the Assyrian, King of the North, the prince that shall come, little horn, etc.), against Israel. The world political stage elevating Islam in the recent decade has emboldened these players as the whirling winds of prophecy are forming up.
Gog of Magog (Turkey), chief prince of Meshech (Turkey) and Tubal (Turkey) leads Persia (Iran), Libya, Ethiopia (Sudan), Gomer (Turkey), Togarmah (Turkey), Sheba (Saudi Arabia) and Dedan (Saudi Arabia) against Israel to "take a spoil and to take a prey (Ezekiel 38:12)." This coalition originates and is led from areas which are currently in Turkey. Turkey is becoming increasingly radical. The Gatestone Institute reports that at an April 11 event to unveil the 2017 European Islamophobia Report, Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called on European governments to criminalize criticism of Islam as "a hate crime and a form of racism." In essence, If adopted in Europe, Jews and Christians could be killed or incarcerated for their belief in the Bible, as they are in many Islamic nations today.
The leader of the terrorist-backed Palestinian Liberation Organization/Palestinian Authority singled out Jews as the cause of growing anti-Semitism in Europe. AP reports "In rambling remarks that were part of a lengthy speech to the PLO parliament on Monday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said it was the Jews' "social function," including money-lending, that caused animosity toward them in Europe, citing what he said were books by Jewish authors. He also portrayed the creation of Israel as a European colonial project, saying "history tells us there is no basis for the Jewish homeland." His remarks prompted an immediate response from the US Ambassador to Israel, "To all those who think Israel is the reason that we don't have peace, think again."
These are just two examples of what is happening around the Middle East to influence Europe (the West) against Jews and Christians. They are stirring up trouble and trying to establish a narrative that is friendly to the end time beast system and diabolically against Jews, Christians, and Israel. Interestingly enough, the very countries that are listed as coming against Israel are part and parcel to this stirring. Turkey's leaders are very vocal about those who resist Islam. Also remember that Turkey and Iran both are ardent supporters of the "Palestinian" movement to divide the land of Israel and to drive the Jews into the sea. These two events, while seemingly unrelated, are part of the whirling winds of prophecy.
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