An Awakening by Don Johnson
Ashamedly and sadly I admit that once when I was young and stupidly foolish I was a Democrat. I grew up in a generation that followed the tradition of your family.
Then after the John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy assassinations and hearing all the different versions, plus living through the period of Lyndon Johnson and hearing how it was his goal to become President, I had to re-think my position.
I discovered through various sources that Johnson was under investigation for improprieties and JFK was going to remove him upon return from his Dallas trip, so Kennedy's assassination turned out to be quite convenient for Johnson!
The remaining threat was RFK who at the time was Attorney General and was close to JFK and knew the president's plan so a decision had to be made to tie up loose ends and assassinate him also.
Now the Democrats it seems were clear to proceed with their plans. It was during all of this turmoil that I became aware of what the candidates were actually talking about and made a conscious decision to switch to a Republican as I believed more in the conservatives.
I could see back then that the Democrats were doing nothing to help the poor working class; their only goal was to continue raising taxes and creating ineffective programs that wasted money.
Infrastructure was suffering, the economy was worse than my check book, and unemployment was getting worse. What were the Democrats doing about it? (NOTHING!!!) What are they doing about it today? The same thing they did about it back then, (NOTHING!!!).
So here is my question, why keep these Democrats that are do nothing in office just to spend our hard earned money on themselves, illegals, ineffective programs that waste our money, break our laws, embarrass our country--and the list can go on.
It is time to hold all our elected representatives accountable and to vote those who have not, who are not working for the interests of the American tax payers out of office.
It is time for Americans everywhere to stand up and be counted!!
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