Sunday, January 13, 2019

A Lamp and a Light

Man's proclivity to go his own way is at the root of everything that perplexes our planet.
"You must not commit adultery," admonishes against sex outside of marriage. Man's disinclination to obey that commandment has resulted in unwanted pregnancy and abortion and children who will not be raised within the security of the love of both their parents. The cost to society is high, for much of the cost is borne by society. Children without fathers are more likely to live in poverty; children without fathers are more inclined to be recruited by criminal gangs
"You must not steal." One must never covet what is not his own, but many do. Even if the criminal act of theft is not committed, the unfulfilled yearning for what is possessed by another consumes many. Right now we are seeing an ultimate act of theft being perpetrated on the entire nation. Hordes of illegal alien invaders expect to transgress the borders of our nation and be placed on the dole in this country. Many of our own countrymen see it as the responsibility of our government to aid and abet these criminals...and the next wave that comes after them...and the next...and the next. How long will it be until a nation that is deeply in debt will no longer be able to afford such largess? And what about the hard-working citizens of this nation whose tax dollars are the source of that largess? How long until there are no resources left for their legitimate needs, for which they paid throughout their work lives, entrusting the government with their resources? The government which assured them their money would be there for them when they needed it.
"You must have no other gods before ME." Of HIMSELF, the LORD has declared, "There is no other god; I know not any," yet we have made so many other things our 'god.' We covet power. We covet wealth. We covet prestige. We covet honor. We covet recognition. We covet license over freedom. We have made ourselves our god and we seek whatever satiates that inner compulsion to promote and aggrandize self.
So our world languishes in the squalor of our failure to simply "listen to GOD" in our thoughts and deeds. The lost, empty world looks for answers to its perplexing dilemma. The BIBLE tells us that mankind will look for a 'savior' and will be deceived by one who appears to have the answers to all the insoluble problems. That deceiver will terrorize the planet once his deception has gained him unparalleled power.
Deliverance will come through CHRIST; deliverance will come through the ONE to whom we should have been looking all along.
How foolish we are, we who will not "listen to GOD."

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