Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Rampant Diseases Brought by Illegals

Rampant Diseases Brought by Illegals
Tuberculosis, flu, infections rampant as the number of sick migrants surge at border - Washington Times 

Border authorities are referring 50 people a day for urgent medical care, including tuberculosis, flu and even pregnant women about to give birth, a top official said Monday, saying it's unlike anything they've ever seen before.

Most of those in need of care are children, and a staggering 28 percent are under age 5, having been dragged along for the trip by parents who in many cases are hoping to use the children as a shield against speedy deportation from the U.S.

CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said most of those needing help were ill when they arrived at the border, and some appear to have made the initial decision to leave even while ailing. Agents have spotted a new trend in the traffic from Central America to the U.S., with smuggling organizations using commercial buses to get people through the journey in less than a week. The faster trip also makes it easier for sick people to come, and provides "confidence for parents to bring younger children" along as well, he said. 

- Father, we pray the strategy of the enemy to tear our nation apart using chaos and innocent lives will completely fail.

- Keep me free from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge. (Psalm 31:4)

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