Thursday, January 3, 2019

Romney to Washington

Romney to Washington
Mitt Romney has been elected to the Senate and will soon arrive in Washington as a legislator.
Mitt Romney is a Republican who has pitted himself against our Republican President, Donald Trump.  Many citizens will give great credence to the assertions of Mitt Romney; he is a member of a long-established political family who has influenced this nation and its policies for a long time.
Mitt Romney will seek to influence the country even more from his new vantage point of power.  Many people will be compelled to subscribe to his policies.  Many people who already stand against President Trump will be greatly swayed to further disdain our duly-elected president by Mitt Romney.
Before you allow yourself to believe that a great hero has come to Washington, D.C., perhaps you might reflect a bit on some of Romney's core religious beliefs.  If you think they are viable, Romney is indeed your man.  If you recognize the regrettable error of their origins as at best, foolish and at worst, demonic, you will stand against Romney as he stands against President Trump.

Mormonism in a Nutshell by Bill Keller

A Mormon “church” no more a Christian church than your local pub, and those who choose to put their faith in the tenets of the Mormon cult are not Christian!!!
The lies of Mormonism that I expose reveal this belief system to be a cult. The Apostle Paul had to deal with the issue of "cults,"--the errors that perverted the Gospel crept into the church almost from the very beginning. Cults are nothing new.
Here are just a few of the theological issues that make the  Mormon cult totally inconsistent with Biblical Christianity and why a Mormon is not a Christian:
Mormon theology teaches that men can eventually become gods  and have their own planet where they go when they die.  There they will have many beautiful wives and enjoy unrestrained sensual pleasures through eternity.
The god of the Mormon cult is NOT the God of the Bible. Their "god" is named Elohim and was once a man like you and me  with the notable exception that he originally came from another planet. 
When a Mormon speaks of "god," he is talking about this fictitious god of Mormonism and NOT the God of the Bible!
This holds true for Jesus. The jesus of Mormon theology is not God incarnate as the Bible teaches. The Mormon jesus was not supernaturally conceived by the Holy Ghost, but is the natural offspring of their "god" Elohim who purportedly had sex with Mary, meaning he is a created being no different than you and me
Mormons also teach that their jesus had several wives and children, again, in compete contradiction to what the Bible teaches.
The jesus of the Mormon cult is also the spirit brother of Lucifer and will return not to the Mt. Of Olives as the Bible teaches, but to Independence, Missouri to set up his earthly Kingdom.
When a Mormon talks about "jesus," he is NOT talking about the true Jesus of the Bible!
Mormons use the Bible and quote from the Bible to support the deception that they are Christians. The trademark of all cults and false religions, even those who use the Bible, is that the Bible is NOT their final authority.
In the Mormon cult, their ultimate authority does not come from the Bible which they view as incomplete and unreliable, but the writings of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, who wrote  the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrine and Covenants. These are the writings that form the false theology of this cult.
Mormons believe that non-Mormons are abominations; a Mormon views Biblical Christians as part of a false religion and as such are void of all authority.
As with all cults, the average Mormon hasn't got a clue what their cult really believes. You get to know everything only after you have proven yourself to be a loyal and worthy member of the cult.
It is only when you get to become a "temple Mormon" that you really learn all of the deep, dark, beliefs of Mormonism.
When they have taken their blood oath to the Mormon cult, they place their belief system above everything else, INCLUDING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT AND CONSTITUTION!
The ultimate goal of the Mormon cult is to establish a theocracy here in the United States. Joseph Smith, the cult's founder actually ran for the Presidency. So did Mitt Romney and his father.
This cult has the very real goal of establishing the "Kingdom of God," which means advancing the physical and earthly organization of the multi-billion dollar worldwide Mormon cult.

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