Tuesday, January 15, 2019


The vitriolic hatred directed against this president is unprecedented.
Many conservatives could not abide the actions of our former president because they were the antithesis of godliness--his advocacy of abortion and his support of same-sex marriage, for example are entirely anti-biblical and anti-God. Conservatives, many of whom are Christian, could not support these godless dictates. Yet, we supported the man and honored his office.
Many conservatives were horrified by the former president's neglect to rescue the Americans at Benghazi from the terrorist mob that cruelly murdered them. Many conservatives were wrenched to the core by the "Fast and Furious" gun running to drug lords. Many conservatives were shocked by the plot of the previous president to spy on conservative-leaning voters. Though we could not support these godless, anti-American activities, we supported the man and honored his office.
In having left office, the former president has intruded himself into current politics as no other president has before him. We find his actions abhorrent, yet we honor the man.
What liberals are proving is that their concept of "freedom of speech," of freedom of thought, is exclusive to those whose voice and whose mind are in concert with their own.
All other words, all other thoughts are worthy only to be shouted down.
If that mindset succeeds; if the conservative opposition is stilled, what will remain is a socialist society that will sink into the oblivion of all socialist societies before, and the world will be ripe for the antichrist who will come to save the planet from its self destruction.
Today's newspaper reads like the pages of the Book of Revelation.
On which side will you be when prophesy comes into its fullness?

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