Monday, March 4, 2019

Gun Amendment Exposes Communist Congressmen

Gun Amendment Exposes Communist Congressmen by Bill Wilson
A closed-door meeting of House Democratic Congressmen revealed a stark and decisive move by the party toward communism as supported by Democratic Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).
Ocasio-Cortez was outraged by Democrats who sided with Republicans in amending a bill to require undocumented immigrants (illegal aliens) who try to buy guns to be reported to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). She threatened to put the wayward Democrat moderates (who are leftists in the first place) on a list to be challenged by Democratic Socialists in the next election.
Think about this-Democrats are for gun control, yet they want illegal immigrants to be armed.
In an atmosphere where Democrats are accusing Republicans of not wanting to work together to solve the nations problems, behind closed doors, the Dems are arguing that none of them should be allowed to support any Republican initiative. Those who do should be disciplined, they say. BUT THIS IS NOT THE REAL STORY.
The real story is that there is a tremendous shift toward communism in the Democratic Party, led by Democratic Socialists such as Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT), Ocasio-Cortez and others. They are supporting aggressive disruption, revolution and even violence. The idea that they want illegals crossing the border to be able to buy guns in America is a sure sign of what's ahead.
Look no further than the Democratic Socialists plans to elect Sanders president and to support congressional candidates of their party, which is a communist party offshoot. Quoting from their now public campaign strategy document, the Democratic Socialists plan to organize youth into radical platoons "intended to help imbue the (Sanders) campaign with an organized socialist, anti-racist, and anti-imperialist contingent as well as connecting YDSA (Young Democratic Socialists of America) militants to a genuine mass movement through which they can organize alongside a broader layer of progressive and working class youth." Can anyone say Antifa, La Raza, New Black Panthers or name other violent radical militant organizations?
According to the leftists, guns in the hands of people who resist communism is a bad thing; guns in the hands of people who want to foment revolution as manipulated by the communists is a good thing. This is the dangerous hypocrisy of the progressive (socialist, communist) movement in America that has blossomed as mainstream in the Democratic Party.
Obstruction, disruption, hate-bating, and even violence, are all part of the plan we see playing out every day in the media.
As Ephesians 5:11-says, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."
Every action and intention of these evil-doers needs to be reproved, not giving them any benefit of the doubt.

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