Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Heaven or Hell Eternally

The two posts that follow contrast the views of people of faith with people who believe that this existence is all there is.

George Clooney, a man who by every measure is exceedingly blessed--a beautiful wife, two adorable children, world-wide fame as an actor whose wealth is incalculable to most of us, believes there is no Heaven and there is no hell.

When reading Mr. Clooney's point of view, one cannot help but to pity the man who, at the moment of his demise will have nothing but a Christ-less eternity, and if the Biblical account of that is correct, he will be an eternal inhabitant of the hell in which he does not believe.

And unless someone reaches out to his children, who we must presume are being reared with their father's disdain for Christ Jesus and His sacrifice for man, they, too, will perish without ever placing their lives at the feet of the Savior.

May we who believe pray for this lost man, who has access to the treasure of the whole world but cares nothing for his eternal soul.

Contrast the attitude of  Mr. Clooney, one of the world's most privileged men, with that of David Brainard, who we are told prayed fervently for the American Indians in the Colonies to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and saw an unprecedented awakening that continued as revival among them.

David Brainard is now in the presence of the Lord he faithfully served, dwelling in the "mansion" He prepared for him.

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