Think About Others by Dr. D. James Kennedy
“For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state.” Philippians 2:20
If you really want to stand out, think about others instead of just yourself. Most people do the opposite.
Years ago, a telephone company made a detailed study of telephone conversations to find out which word is the most frequently used. It is the same word that is most used in daily conversations. It is the word “I.” It was used 3,990 times in 500 telephone conversations. “I.” “I.” “I.” “I.” “I.” People think about themselves morning, noon, and after dinner, too, said Dale Carnegie.
On an airplane one time I sat next to a tennis pro. We had a very interesting conversation. I talked at length about her tennis, and she was very interested. Then I changed the subject and boom —her interest rate dropped to zero, instantly. I switched the subject back to her and immediately the dial went up to 100 again. She reminded me of “Edith,” a lady someone described as “a small country bounded on the north, east, south and west by Edith.”
There is not too great a market out there for your complaints. Someone said that you and I will discover that about 50 percent of the people don’t care what is wrong with you and the other 50 percent think you are getting what you deserve anyway.
In Christ, we are called to a life of unselfishness. Instead of “looking out for number one,” we are told to put others’ interest ahead of our own. May God free us from our selfishness.
Self-existing God, You made us for Yourself and You made us to make life better for each other. Help me today to take the focus off myself and my problems and to focus on the people You put in my path…
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