Monday, April 1, 2019


A DEATH WARRANT by Howard Vanderwell
The chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well. John 12:10
Suppose you had been there and witnessed the confusing chain of events that led up to the death of Jesus. For three years, tension and animosity had been building between the religious leaders and Jesus. It seems that every time he performed a miracle or made clear that he was the Son of God, the leaders became more upset. As their anger built, it blinded them to who he was; their hearts hardened and they came to believe that Jesus had to be killed.
Then the most spectacular and striking miracle of all took place. Lazarus had died, and his body had lain four days in a tomb while all his family and friends mourned. Then, in an act that can only be explained by the power of God, Jesus brought him back to life!
What an amazing thing to observe! What a motivation to believe in Jesus as God’s Son!
But this event led to a new tragedy. The religious leaders became even more agitated. They were angry at Lazarus because he was encouraging people to believe in Jesus. So the decision was made. Lazarus would have to die too. The evidence of Jesus’ power had to be destroyed.
If you had been there, you would have sensed the tragedy and irony in these events, but you would also have seen firsthand how determined unbelief can be and how angry it can become when threatened.
Can you see instances of determined unbelief in our world today? The powers of evil can often seem so strong. But we know that God is stronger yet, and he will ultimately reign. Hallelujah!
PRAYER: Lord, open the eyes of all who see the evidence firsthand but are so blinded that they refuse to recognize you as the Lord of life, the one and only Son of God. In your name, Amen.

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