Thursday, April 4, 2019

Julian Castro on Immigration

Julian Castro on Immigration
Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro unveiled a far-reaching immigration plan on Tuesday that would make it easier for illegal immigrants to enter and remain in the United States.
Castro, who served as secretary of housing and urban development in the Obama administration, is the first 2020 Democrat to present a detailed immigration plan. The plan comes as Castro struggles to gain traction in a crowded Democratic field, despite being the only Latino running.
The slogan animating Castro's immigration proposal is "putting people first," where the people to whom it refers are indisputably would-be immigrants to the United States, not American citizens.
Broadly speaking, Castro's plan would extend legal rights, and eventually citizenship, to all people illegally residing in the United States; making it substantially easier to legally and illegally immigrate; and conversely making enforcement of immigration law substantially more difficult by removing law enforcement from the equation almost entirely.
Julian Castro's immigration proposal will effectively lead to the end to our nation.

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