Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Thoughts on Today's Verse

"Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples." John 18:2
Thoughts on Today's Verse by Phil Ware
Judas knew where to find Jesus during this intense period of religious preparation. It was no secret that Jesus would be with his disciples in the garden praying together. If we had someone who wanted to betray us, where would that person tell our enemies to find us? Would they know where we would go to be in prayer? Interesting questions aren't they! Can you imagine a better complement than our enemies knowing that they could find us in the place of prayer!
My Prayer...
Forgive me, Father, for not joining you more faithfully in the precious time of prayer. I confess that I get busy, distracted, and even disinterested in my prayer time with you. I am sorry. I am not sure why I have to approach this blessing as a discipline. I pray for your Spirit to create a burning in my heart that calls me joyfully to this grace of prayer. Your presence and concern truly are my sustaining hope. Thank you for always listening even when I've been neglectful, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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