We're Like Peter by Howard Vanderwell
“Will you really lay down your life for me?....You will disown me three times!” John 13:38
What a distressing time Jesus must have had that night in the upper room.
First the disciples were embarrassed at the fact that Jesus washed their feet.
Then Jesus exposed Judas as a betrayer, and Judas left.
After they had eaten, Jesus also exposed Peter as one who would disown him three times that very night.
The shock was not only that Jesus would be disowned by one of the disciples, but that it would be Peter! Peter was the unofficial group leader. He was the one who first confessed Christ as the Son of God. He was the one who walked on water. He was the one who just now had said, “I will lay down my life for you.”
Peter was the strong one. And if Peter was capable of a failure like that, what about the rest of us!
I wonder what Peter thought when Jesus exposed him. Was he embarrassed? Did he deny it? Did he feel shame? Did he understand his own personal dark side?
I wonder what you think as you read about Peter. If you had been there, what do you think you would have done or said or felt?
Do you think you would have had the overconfidence that says, “I would never do anything like that!” Or would you have the realism that admits, “There but for the grace of God, go I”?
PRAYER: Gracious Lord, hold and guide me when I face times of trial. Like Peter, I am often so weak that I fail you in matters that mean the most. In your name I pray. Amen.
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