Up-coming Election by Bill Wilson
Did you know that President Donald Trump announced his bid for reelection last night before a jam-packed audience in Orlando, Florida? Unless you are "plugged in" to the political scene, you may have missed it. While the news media has been covering almost every minute detail of hateful, falsified, hypocritical and stupid comments and policies of the some 20 candidates for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, there is not much coverage of Trump's announcement. It was difficult to even find the text of his speech. What coverage there was used excerpts of his speech to characterize what he said in a negative light. For example, the Washington Post said his speech was a list of grievances.
Salvador Rizzo of the Washington Post said Trump's speech was "littered with the same false or misleading claims he has so often repeated as president. Phony numbers on trade. Unfounded claims about immigrants. False statements about special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigation. Fishy economic statistics and wild exaggerations about his presidential accomplishments." Of course, Rizzo listed some of the 10,000 "false or misleading claims" that the Post has assembled and he says that the President repeated in his reelection speech. Things like calling the Russia investigation a "witch hunt" and that the Democrats colluded by paying for a false dossier, which they used as the basis to spy on him.
Then Rizzo defended the Democrats use of the dossier, the intelligence community and the Mueller Special Counsel investigation to try to nail Trump, saying that "he has little evidence to make his case." The Washington Post, Bloomberg, CNN, etc., seemed determined to use the speech as an opportunity to characterize Trump negatively. It was so obvious that The Hill reported: "One major departure from the 2016 campaign launch: Cable news networks did not air much of the president's Tuesday night speech. Although Fox News carried the entire event live, CNN only aired six minutes of his remarks and MSNBC did not carry any of it." Despite the media wanting to brand Trump a liar, there were some very poignant truths in Trump's words.
Trump said, for example, "We went through the greatest witch hunt in political history...It was all an illegal attempt to overturn the election, spy on our campaign which is what they did to subvert our democracy." He also said, "This election is a verdict on whether we want to live in a country where the people who lose an election, refuse to concede and spend the next two years trying to shred our Constitution and rip your country apart." He rightly said that his opponents are a radical, unholy alliance. But the news media doesn't want to address that charge because they are part of it, and they agree with the radicalism. Thus, they twist every word of Trump's speech. As 2 Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." This entire election season will be one of deception. Seek the truth.
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