Angels Around Us by Michelle McClain Walters
There is a new assignment of angels all around us—angels that will connect us with our destiny. I call them angels of destiny. They are assigned over the prophetic word over your life, and they help you fulfill it. The Bible calls them "....ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation" (Hebrews 1:14).
Angels have been assigned to each of us to help us get across to our next season in life. Many of God's chosen have been receiving prophecies about promotion, and where there's promotion, there's always an adversary that wants to stop us from receiving it But God is releasing a new force, a new company of angels that will be governed by the Holy Spirit to break you through. They will war with you, protect you and bring you to that place of new beginnings.
During my prayer and study time, God has continued to put images of angels before my eyes. He keeps challenging me to study them. He's been showing me that He is doing something remarkable with angels on the behalf of the chosen. He is reintroducing us to a whole company of supernatural agents on call to do His bidding in our behalf. To get them to act, we must speak what God is speaking. Our actions and instructions to them must be in line with God's will. Angels are not genies, and they are not subject to flesh. This is why it is so important that we walk according to the Spirit and in the knowledge of God's will for our lives.
As we pursue God and press in to the Spirit, the Lord will begin to give us revelations about the natural army—you and me—and the spiritual army—the angelic host of heaven—moving together. What we see with this collaboration is a picture of the natural and the spiritual converging in the coexisting spirit realm.
I want to show you here how to stir up the angelic spirits sent to minister to us and the various roles they play in the life of the chosen.
"The angel of the Lord camps around those who fear Him, and delivers them" (Psalm 34:7).
When I see angels, the Lord tells me to lift up my voice in praise and worship. He'd tell me. He was helping me understand that praise and worship are how we release angels to set up ambushes against our enemies. We forget that at times, but when we open up our mouths and praise the Lord, angels start moving on our behalf.
Psalm 103:20 tells us that angels hearken to the voice of God's Word.
Angels excel in strength.
Angels are powerful spirits that have been sent to assist us in advancing the kingdom.
Though it can be hard to realize, it is important to know we are not alone.
First, God has given us His Spirit to comfort, guide, teach and empower us for our chosen assignments, but we also have the ministry of angels, which have been sent forth from the throne of God to minister on our behalf. That gives us supernatural assistance.
Many who hear the word of the Lord spoken over their lives wonder how His word can manifest in their lives.
Have you ever received a prophetic word that seems almost impossible?
God has assigned angels to make it so. They help fulfill His divine purposes. When we speak and decree the word of the Lord, angels begin to minister on our behalf.
Angels are at work behind the scenes, influencing cities, nations, governments and history, and as we've discovered, they are also sent to minister on behalf of individuals.
And yes, angels are involved in helping YOU fulfill your destiny and purpose.
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