Monday, December 2, 2019

Then the End Will Come

"Things will wax worse and worse, and then the end will come."
It doesn't seem like things can get much worse than Hitler's Nazi Germany or Stalin's communist Russia, but GOD'S evil foe always has one more tyrant, one more oppressive regime waiting in the wings to bound onto life's stage and extract a high human toll of his determined effort to "be like the most high."
Old slewfoot doesn't desire to be good like GOD or to be loving like GOD.
No -- it is his intent to be worshipped as GOD !!
JESUS has said of HIMSELF that HE is "the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the FATHER but by ME."
JESUS is the way of salvation.
A man's good works can't save him. A man's generosity can't save him. A man's support of a church can't save him. ONLY JESUS is the way of salvation.
JESUS is the embodiment of all TRUTH. In HIM is the fullness of sound doctrine and understanding. The WORD says that man cannot know the TRUTH of GOD apart from having the MIND OF GOD and it goes on to say, "LET THIS MIND BE IN YOU THAT WAS IN CHRIST JESUS, THAT BEING IN THE FORM OF GOD, HE THOUGHT IT NOT ROBBERY TO BE EQUAL WITH GOD."
JESUS, GOD, equal to GOD offers HIS MIND, HIS THIKING to redeemed man. When a man lays his life at the feet of JESUS, the HOLY SPIRIT comes to him to "teach him all things." Let HIS TRUTH be in you. Let HIS MIND be in you. Let HIS understanding be in you, for JESUS is yours and you are HIS.
JESUS is the LIFE.
Life is GOD'S gift to man. Life enables man to walk in sweet fellowship with the CREATOR of all that exists even as he traverses this Vale of Tears. But !! Oh, Glory !! But when a man gives his life to JESUS, when a man allows JESUS to wash him clean of his past sins, he may walk in "newness of life" that transcends time and journeys with his SAVIOR into eternity !!
Thank YOU, JESUS, for allowing a broken, lost, fallen one like me to find the way, to know the truth, to live the life that leads to eternal glory with YOU.

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