Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Word of the Lord

The Word of the Lord by Bill Lackey
The Lord gave me a vision of Almalonga, Guatemala where the
vegetation is a clear miracle of God. All of the vegetables are super large.
A more glorious miracle occurred the day a lady brought her child that died into the church. The pastor laid hands on the child and the child awoke. From then on, multiple miracles began to surface in Almalonga.
The Lord told His people that the miracles that happened there would happen here.
Do we want it?
The prophetic word included the following:
2020 will see an increase of open doors and an abounding in new vision because of the prayers of kingdom warriors. This will be revealed in multiples of open doors. The pace of the Kingdom will pick up, and we will be thrust forward. Believers must be ready to move quickly to keep pace with the work the Lord wants to do through them.
As we prepare ourselves to be part of the glorious coming move of the Lord, we must be mindful that sin and unrighteous are a reproach, but God will exalt the people whose face is turned toward him. It is time for all Christians to turn from half-hearted faith to pray that the power He has bestowed upon them will be evidenced with great and miraculous results.
One of the fruits of this move of God will be the return of the prodigal.
The grief and sadness that have broken the hearts of parents will be swallowed in their joy that will come as a result of the miracle of salvation poured out upon their lost children. God will soften the bitter hearts of young people who once knew Him but turned their backs upon Him. The Holy One will pour out great grace to draw them back to Himself.
Families will further evidence the move of God that is coming as hearts of parents and children will become more passionately rooted in one another. The distractions of modern life that tend to separate families will be set aside and strong cords of love will bind parents to children, and siblings to each other again.
There is revival fire growing within the Lord’s church. People from all countries have been meeting in small groups, and the Lord is releasing His fire of revival. Prayer meetings, Worship gatherings and one on one relationship meetings are restoring trust, faith, and tenderness. Hearts turned toward God move the Lord’s mighty hand to send revival.
A precious aspect of this revival will be the physical healings that will be released. God is desirous to heal His body of the infirmity that is affecting the quality of life of His people. Some of these healings will be accomplished through a process, but many will be miraculous and will occur instantaneously. Allow the Holy Spirit to move freely and watch what He will do within the body of believers.
According to my vision, 2020 will be a year of favor. God’s face will be turned toward His children to bless them and He will restore all that has been taken from them. His people must begin to anticipate that relationships that have been broken, finances that have been stolen, anointings that have been diminished and opportunities that have been lost will be among the things that will be restored in fullness as this prophecy unfolds.
A trumpet from heaven is being blown calling the Body of Christ to arise. The purpose of this heavenly trumpet blast is to awaken the call in those who are the Army of the Lord. The Army of the Lord will roar with the power of the lion of Judah. This heavenly roar calls the Body of Christ to arise to move out in obedience to its holy assignment. Miraculous awakenings and encounters with Jesus and angels will prepare the world to see the glory of God.
The leaders of nations realize their plans are not working. They have cried out for help and they will continue to cry out until revival breaks forth. Heads of state will declare their love for the Lord and exhibit lives changed by Jesus Christ. This will influence many in their nation to embrace the Living Savior and this passion will grow within countries.
Prepare yourself for the changes that are ahead of you. Prepare for growth, prepare for change of focus. Prepare for more impact and influence.
You also need to know that with new territory there will come new resistance. Quickly put that resistance under your feet with the authority God has given you. You are more than a conqueror through Christ, and you are able to dispossess the territory the enemy thinks is his.
Use the spiritual authority God has given to you, remembering that Romans 8:11 tells you the power that raised the Lord from the grave is alive in you. Gather warriors of like precious faith with you and prepare to wage war against God’s ancient foe by praying to gain the Lord’s strength for the battle to conquer the territory for Jesus.
This Lord is calling you up higher. That which you have done is in the past; He wants to give you new assignments. You are being called to greatness. As you begin to walk in your greatness, God will give you all He desires for you to possess. Get ready to move into the fullness of the Lord’s plan through His power and His grace.

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