Unexplainable Power
From: Today God Is First by Os Hillman
February 17, 2020
From: Today God Is First by Os Hillman
February 17, 2020
"I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony." - John 3:11
When is the last time God did something in your life that can be explained only as the work of God? Was it yesterday? Was it just last week? A month ago? A year ago? The answer to this question may mean several things. If it has been some time since you saw God's activity in such a way that you know it was His hand, you may not be trusting to a level that requires faith.
You may not be risking enough for God to show Himself.
You may not be risking enough for God to show Himself.
The converts in the early Church changed the world they lived in because of what they saw and heard. It was the power of the gospel that changed lives, not what they learned from mere teaching. This power drew people to Christ. Things happened that could not be explained as anything other than the activity of God. Is that the kind of faith you are experiencing in your life?
Many of us live a wholesome, moral life, but those we associate with do not see this activity as anything that cannot also be achieved by themselves. That is why many are not drawn to our lives. God's power is not evident.
The Lord has been challenging me to trust Him at levels I have never trusted before. This level of trust has placed me in a vulnerable position. However, the blessing of this relationship is that I see the activity of God as never before, and those close to me see it as well. It builds my faith and their faith--and draws others to investigate.
Sometimes the activity of God comes in unusual ways. God often sets up scenes that appear to be negative on the front end, but God has orchestrated these events for His glory.
Some Biblical examples of these "turn around" circumstances that were orchestrated by God are these:
-Without Pharaoh's pursuit of Israel at the Red Sea, there could be no miraculous deliverance.
-Without Lazarus's death, there could be no rising to life.
-Without Goliath, there could be no underdog story.
-Without Peter stepping out of the boat, there could be no miracle on the water.
-Without Judas' betrayal, there could be no resurrection.
God wants to show Himself in ways you and I cannot imagine. Let God demonstrate His power in you today.
As you empty yourself of yourself and allow the Lord to fill you with Himself, you will see great manifestations of His will and of His power in and through you. You will see "all men drawn unto the Lord of life who lives in you."
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