Sunday, May 10, 2020

Thoughts on Today's Verse

"No widow may be put on the list of widows unless she is over sixty, has been faithful to her husband, and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord’s people, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds." 1 Timothy 5:10
Happy Mother's Day!
Let's celebrate women of faith and courage who have blessed our lives together as we worship apart.
Thoughts on Today's Verse by Phil Ware
Today is Mother's Day for many in the Western Hemisphere. For all of us, it is a great day to honor our mothers, especially those who are widows.
Although many of our churches have copied the leadership roles (or at least the names) that we find in the New Testament---we have bishops, elders, shepherds, pastors, ministers, deacons, ministry leaders, and others--why have we never had a "Widows List"?
This group of women has proven their godliness by lives well lived. Paul emphasizes that the church should help support and care for them so they can continue their lives of ministry unworried about their basic needs.
On a day when the world honors mothers, let's make sure our godly mothers, especially those who are widows, are honored for their good deeds and service to God's people. Let's make sure they receive our love and support.
My Prayer.....
O Father, thank you for those women among us who have been faithful to their husbands, loving to their children, and hospitable to your people. Forgive us for not valuing these godly examples of righteous living and sources of inspiration and ministry, more.
During this challenging time, open our eyes to those godly women among us whom we need to serve, support, and bless. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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