Tuesday, May 19, 2020

What I Was Adopted Into

What I Was Adopted Into by Brett Lamsma
Scripture Reading — Romans 8:14-17
"The Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship"
Romans 8:15
The family of an adopted child waited for her for a long time with great anticipation. What’s more, the whole extended family of friends around them anticipated her adoption and prayed for her every day.
As the child grew up, she was constantly reminded that she fully belonged to the family and to the extended community. If the child ever began to question that truth, the community rallied around to assure that she was completely and totally theirs.
The apostle Paul uses the Roman concept of adoption to describe our relationship to God. Adoption in the Roman culture was total and complete. The adoptee was a full child and heir. No distinction was made after the adoption was finalized. Paul uses that analogy for us so that we can understand we are completely and totally God’s sons and daughters.
Not only are we completely daughters and sons of God belonging to him, but we also belong to each other as children of God and siblings of Christ.
Father, help us to see ourselves and each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and as your sons and daughters. Thank you for adopting us into your family and making us heirs to your eternal treasure in Heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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