Thursday, June 18, 2020

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests:
1. Ali -- complete deliverance from recent diagnosis of multiple myeloma.
2. Ron --complete restoration of health and well-being after removal of blood clots from lungs.
3. Jim --healing from gallbladder issues and from cancerous mass found on liver.
LORD JESUS, YOU are "the same yesterday, today, and forever." There was never anyone YOU sent away when one came to YOU in need of healing. Because YOU are forever the same, and because YOU have said that "the same power that raised YOU from the dead lives in us," (Romans 8:11) we know we can ask in faith that these YOUR faithful servants and handmaidens can lay their needs at YOUR feet and receive the healings for which they ask.
Our gracious HEALER and SAVIOR, we know beyond the shadow of doubting that YOU are mightier than any affliction YOUR ancient foe can hurl at those who love YOU and serve YOU. We know that "before we ask, YOUR answer is on its way."
We claim the answers of deliverance for each of these whose needs we lay before YOU, and we claim not only these, but the resolution for every problem, every need placed before YOU by every child of YOURS who cries out to YOU for deliverance from every ploy of the enemy.
If their need is financial -- YOU "own the cattle on a thousand hills."
If their need is emotional -- YOU have "peace that passes understanding."
If their need is spiritual -- YOU are "the way, the TRUTH, the life."
If their need is physical -- YOU have promised that "by YOUR stripes, we are healed."
We are not asking for something YOU have not said is ours, dear JESUS. We are simply claiming what YOU have died to secure for us.
It is in the mighty, matchless name of JESUS that we claim total health and complete victory from every device of the enemy for every child of the LIVING GOD who has placed his life at the feet of our SAVIOR and HEALER and PROVIDER. Amen.

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