Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Epstein Saga

 The Epstein Saga

Yes, Trump knew Epstein. He admitted it himself.
-The photos of them together are from before 2003.
-In 2004 Trump not only barred Epstein from Mar-a-lago estate, he also placed a bid on the property (and won) in Palm Beach that Epstein was looking to purchase.
-In 2005 Trump revealed Epstein secrets to PBSCO investigation.
-In 2006, two of Epstein’s victims confirmed they knew Trump had barred Epstein from his estate in Mar-A-Lago.
-In 2009 Bradley Edwards (Prosecutor on the Epstein case) made a public statement that Trump was the only individual who helped in the prosecutions against Epstein.
-Per victim testimonies on the newly released Epstein/Maxwell documents reveal that Trump was never seen on Epstein’s island or anywhere with Epstein.
This is where it gets interesting...
-The newly released documents show that the FBI withheld victim evidence in 2009 and in 2014.
-Who was the President in 2009 and 2014?-Obama.
-Who was the FBI director in 2009?-Mueller
-Who was the FBI director in 2014?-Comey
-Who led the Russia Collusion Hoax against Trump?-Mueller and Comey.
-Who was Mueller's key witness during the Russian Collusion?-George Nader
-Who was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison for Pedophilia/Dozens of images and footage of children being sexually abused?-George Nader
-Who was the Secretary of State under Obama?-Clinton
-Who did Epstein’s victims list on the pedo island?-Clinton
-Who funded the Russian Dossier?-Clinton
-Who fired Comey in 2017?-Trump
-Who praised Weinstein for being a great human being in 2013-Obama
-Who was Obama’s VP?-Biden
-Who is running for President against Trump?-Biden
-Who received campaign donations from Epstein’s law firm?-Kamala Harris
-Who is Biden’s VP?-Kamala Harris
Research and educate yourself, because Epstein's victims will never see justice for what they have endured if Biden is elected.

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