Absolute Truth in a Relative World "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32
Sadly, a majority of Americans today believe that truth and morality are relative. Even many professing Christians have fallen prey to this myth.
Virtually all of our high school students have learned that there are no absolutes.
You probably heard about the teacher who said to his class, “You can know nothing for certain.”
One student responded, “Teacher, are you sure?”
He said, “I’m certain.”
Sometimes students don’t realize that when a teacher or professor says there are no absolutes, he is also saying there is no God. Because, you see, God is the ultimate absolute.
If there are no absolutes, how is it that the Holocaust was wrong?
If there are no absolutes, how could 9/11 be wrong?
It becomes very difficult to live in a completely relativistic world. Suppose you are waiting in your car at a train crossing, and a train is coming down the tracks at 60 miles an hour. You know that if you drive your car out in front of that train, you are not going to be “relatively” dead—you are going to be “absolutely” dead. We can’t live as relativists in this world.
Truth is revealed to us in God’s Word. Christ says, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).
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