Debt to St. Patrick bu Dr/ Jim Denison
Today is St. Patrick's Day. In addition to parades and parties, we should remember his story: kidnapped from his native England by Irish invaders, he was enslaved for several years before escaping and returning home. However, years later, God called him to return to Ireland as a missionary. He led more than one hundred thousand people to faith in Christ and became the patron saint of Ireland. His death on March 17, 461, is remembered each year on this day.
But there's more to his story: Irish Christians who were spiritual descendants of St. Patrick's ministry sailed to Britain in the following century, where they evangelized the heathen who had overrun the country. According to Thomas Cahill's How the Irish Saved Civilization, they "single-handedly re-founded European civilization throughout the continent."
As a result, every American owes a debt to St. Patrick's courageous ministry in Ireland and his spiritual descendants who preserved the benefits of Western civilization we enjoy today. This fact is just one more reminder that President John F. Kennedy was right: "Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet."
What happens to any of us should therefore matter to all of us.
God assures us, "Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!" (Psalm 106:3).
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