Tuesday, December 20, 2022

LLLove for the Lost

A Love for the Lost by Dr. D. James Kennedy

For I did not keep from declaring to you the whole counsel of God.   Acts 20:27

I remember talking to ministers, older and supposedly much wiser than I. I particularly recall one who was the editor of one of the country’s leading Christian magazines. I said to him, “How can we possibly do anything else? There are men and women dying and going off into everlasting condemnation and perdition without Christ. We must get the message to them.”

He looked at me as if I had come from Mars and said, “You will come to understand.”

What I came to understand was that he had lost his first love. Ah, dear friend, how is it with your heart? Is that first love still there? Do you remember that time when you were at church every time the doors opened? Was there a time when you spent more time in His Word? I can remember when it was nothing to me to memorize a chapter of Scripture every day. “A verse a week? Isn’t he asking too much of us?”

May God open our eyes to see the precarious state of the lost. May He grant us a greater love and concern for them.

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