Thursday, December 21, 2023


CHRISTMAS Christmas is unique. There is no other holiday, no other season of the year that can begin to approach the wonder of this glorious day. Those of us who believe in JESUS CHRIST as SAVIOR and LORD of our lives immerse ourselves in the significance of the day. We remind ourselves that our LORD took upon HIMSELF the weight of the sins we cannot carry and paid the price for them that was far beyond our means. Anyone who has ever been in a non-Christian country knows that at this season, even unbelievers are caught up in the wonder of the day. No, they do not accept CHRIST as their SAVIOR and LORD but they do embrace the celebration of the glorious event that took place in the little town of Bethlehem; they do enjoy the festivity of the believing world. But, what about you? What is Christmas to you? Are you a fervent believer who praises your GOD for sacrificing HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to save you from eternal separation from HIM? Or do you stand on the periphery of faith and simply celebrate the joy that is brought by the candy canes and colored lights? If you are familiar with the Biblical account of the birth of JESUS, you know it was prophecied hundreds of years before HE arrived in Bethlehem. You know HIS birth was announced to shepherds -- the lowliest of men and that HE was sought as a glorious KING by the wisest and wealthiest of mankind. The lowest of the low and the most esteemed of the lofty came to lay their hearts at HIS feet. But, where are you? More important than where you stand today in this season of anticipation and celebration is the question, "Where will you stand on that great day of judgment when all humankind will either bear the penalty of their sins against GOD or be redeemed by the blood of the LAMB?" In the glorious realm of heaven or cast into outer darkness? Where will you spend eternity? May I wish you the Merriest Christmas and a Glorious Eternity.

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