April 12
“Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God; they shall bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap.” There is a wealth of blessing within these few simple words found in Psalm 92:13, 14, and we must not overlook it.
First of all, we are to be planted in the house of the Lord. Something that is planted takes root and is not easily pulled up. Second of all, we are planted in the house of the Lord. We have not been plucked from our Source. We are attached to Him.
When we are attached to God, we shall flourish. We shall be nurtured properly, just as a plant is properly nurtured by virtue of its attachment to its root. Roses that are attached to the bush from which they have sprung will flourish while those that are picked—even to be arranged in a beautiful bouquet—will wither and die; neither will they be capable of generating new life
Unlike the beautiful but dying bouquet, the people of God will be viable throughout life—they shall be “full of sap” and this denotes their vitality. Not only will they be empowered to live long lives, they will be given the strength to live fruitful lives! Those who are rooted to Christ will not only flourish personally, they will, by the sap within them generate spiritual life in others.
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