April 3
In Romans 15:18 Paul gives us sound advice that we would be wise to follow. He says, “I will not speak of any work except what Christ has done through me to win obedience from the Gentiles through word and deed.” Paul’s admonition by example is two fold
First, he acknowledges responsibility for his own words and deeds. He knows that words have power and they are the primary vehicle through which the Lord has chosen to reveal Himself through His servants to those who do not yet know Him. People are convicted of sin and brought into Christ’s arc of safety not only by compelling words but by the living epistle of the lives of believers.
Second, Paul states that he will testify to the power of the Holy Spirit as it is revealed through his service to the Kingdom of Christ but he will refrain from judging the service of other believers. The temptation to do so is great, but the Word says very clearly that “they who compare themselves among themselves are not wise.”
This caution extended in II Corinthians 10:12, behooves us to overcome the very human tendency to paint ourselves in a favorable light by diminishing that which shines through others. Our most expedient course of action is to serve the Lord with a full heart and entrust the success of our endeavors in the behalf of His Kingdom to Him and to allow Him to judge the work of those who labor beside us.
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