November 13
Our concept of victory is very temporal. We think of armies that conquer, of sports events that are won, of entrepreneurs who succeed, and relationships that flourish as victories. That concept is promoted by Hollywood movies that almost invariably depict a successful resolution to any scenario.
God doesn’t see victory in quite the same way and that is evidenced by the greatest victory that has ever been won—the death of Jesus on the cross. What appears to the world as His downfall, His utter humiliation and undoing, was seen by the Orchestrator of the scenario as the ultimate conquest of good over evil.
In the spiritual realm, when Jesus laid down His life to redeem man from the penalty of sin which is death, the scourge of humanity, the devil, was paraded before the captives in Shoal and demonstrated to be the ultimate loser in the conflict which he has chosen to wage with Almighty God. When we find ourselves engaged in conflict, we must therefore remember who the ultimate enemy is. It is the one that Jesus defeated when He went to the cross.
We must know that as with Jesus, “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty before God to the pulling down of strongholds” II Corinthians 10:4. We must further recognize that the great battlefield of this conflict is in our minds, for if the evil one can influence the way we think, he can influence the way we comport ourselves. It is imperative that we ever be mindful that we are heirs to Christ’s victory—the only victory that is eternal in scope.
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