November 29
We’d like to think well of ourselves but reality sometimes steps in and requires us to do a bit of reassessing. If we find ourselves to have offended several people—that just might indicate that we have behaved offensively. If we are not at the top of everyone’s ‘must invite list’ it could be because we’ve hurt others.
The consequences of our social shortcomings are not pleasant but if we’re honest with ourselves, we know they’re deserved. Jesus, however, endured much from the sinners He came to save even though He had done nothing but show them kindness and love.
Jesus healed, He delivered from demonic possession, He supplied food to nurture their bodies and spiritual food to nurture their souls, yet they found offense in Him and demanded His execution! When we face ostracism or criticism, the Word admonishes that we think of Him. His example guides us in our own endurance of hardship.
Hebrews 12:3 says, “Think of Him who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against Himself so that you may not grow weary or lose heart…” When we contemplate His steadfast love for us, His sacrifice, we are encouraged by His example to go forward in our resolve to forsake our shortcomings and become like Him.
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